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Outfit:Holy Chic-Day to Night

After a long,boring day of school, there's no time to relax, oh no, I've got a student fashion show to go to at my prospective university, so I don't have a lot of time to choose an outfit but never fear, with a few cute changes I was able to change my day look for night!


April Buys bring May Outfits

Adorable purchases I made over the month of April that I'd like to share with everyone, let's get started!


Sports Luxe Challenge Day 1

Heeled Sandals and Sports Luxe Lust

I have been lusting after these shoes and the whole sports luxe look I've seen everywhere on fashion week, stay tuned for inexpensive options of the heeled sandals, and styling ideas for sports luxe.


How to pose for your fashion blog/photos

Hey guys, I must say I find myself having trouble posing for my blog posts and so to help myself and you guys with blogs, I've created a quick guide on tips for posing for you blog. I simply found pictures on the web, and examined them to see how we can apply it to our blogs. Lets get started!


Atlanta Haul

I picked up some cute stuff while I was in Georgia Wednesday so lets get started!


Atlanta part 2

Hey guys, now I'm going to take you through the streets of little five points, a cool, hipster, shopping area, with vintage music, cafes, and the most fabulous, urban clothing stores ever!. Get ready to drool over some serious shoe candy!



Atlanta day 2:Touring


Reader to Bloglovin

Hello! Arrived in GA today, and chillin at my Uncle's house before getting out and touring and stuff. I just wanted to post something real quick. As you all know,Google reader is being shut down, please join me in a round of NOOOOOOOss. I use that thing every freaking day! I guess now we're all going to have to intergrate to bloglovin! BTW, I intergrated all the blogs I'm following via GFC onto Bloglovin, so I'm still following all of you guys! I would appreciate if you all could continue to follow me on Bloglovin too! Here's the quick link to intergrate all the blogs you follow into Bloglovin

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